
Do you fasting?

Yesterday, it took place in Gramedia Expo , I was just walked around the exhibition with my friends and received some brochure about computer or digital camera (Yeah, it's a Computer Exhibition) .
Not so long after I came, everybody was muttering to each other, asking their friends whether it's time to break their fasting or not .
The time has come (to break fasting, of course), there are some SPG (Sales Promotion Girl) giving away some Ta'jil (some kind of snacks) to everybody which is Moslems .
I was fasting too at the time and I also want that Ta'jil .
I began to approach the SPG, and told her that I was fasting too .

The SPG startled , "Are you fasting ?" , the SPG asked me
and I said "Yep, oh yeah .. can I have some of your Ta'jil too ?" ,
and she answered "Oh yes yes , no problem . Happy break fasting!"

Everybody was curious enough to see my action towards the SPG, they looked at me like I'm a perfect stranger to them .

Because in fact, I'm a Chinese, I got such fair-skin and oriental face .
Many people was asking me, "Are you fasting ? I can't believe it!" .
It's no wonder if they shocked, because many people here which is Chinese are Christian or Catholic and Moslems are minority . And me , I'm Moslem but also a Chinese . LOL!

I just giggled when looking at their faces , out-of curiosity-faces, I mean .
That's how I spent the days with my friends . Really fun and full of "funny" experience

I'm a Chinese, I got such ...
I'm Chinese, I've got such ...
Thanks to Resela .
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