
20 and Got No Driving License

Unlike any other people, I don't have any driving license especially for motorcycle ride -until I wrote this post- . Lately I thought it was really a big saver if I had applied for it . I'm working at a software house located in Surabaya, Indonesia . The main office officially was based in Jakarta, they had opened some branch offices all over Java -west, middle and east are included- .

As now, I'm placed in one of their branch office in Surabaya . The workplace are far from the office, and often I wondered if I've gotten a motorcycle, it'd be a great help! -once again- unfortunately, I got no driving license .

In my high school days, I was using my bike as the main transport between my home and school . Yep, no motorcycle, because I've never had asked for one.
Once, I've asked my mother, and here what she said,
  • Me: "Dear my mother, can I take a cycle to my workplace ?"
  • Mother: "Oh my son, it's absolutely a NO!"
  • Me: "Why not ?"
  • Mother: "Because there was no one who ride a bike to their workplace before ..."
  • Me: "errr ... but .. actually I was .. "
  • Mother: "... and if you do, it'd be really awkward!"
  • Me: "Ugh .. "
  • Mother: "Why can't you just take motorcycle instead of bike ?"
  • Me: "We only have one, and of course I can't take it, because you need it, am I right ?"
  • Mother: "Oh you got the point!"
  • Me: *smirk*
  • Mother: "Then take a public transport, it's pretty cheap and convenient aren't they ?"
  • Me: "Yep, but you know that ... they're not a punctual transportation, I'd be late if I relied to much with them"
  • Mother: "uhmm ... be more patient, and start saving some money to buy your own motorcycle"
  • Me: "Ow, that's a good idea! how much does it cost for one ?"
  • Mother: "If I'm not mistaken, it was around 12 to 16 millions"
  • Me: *emotionally disturbed for a second*
  • Me: "I see ... so be it then ..."

And now, the first thing that I've got to do is, get a driving license!
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